FREE Webpage Request Form

To apply for your free webpage and web hosting on Nexus Mart, please complete the following form. By submitting this form, you acknowledge and agree to the conditions listed below.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload any logo’s and content here.

Agreement to Participate in Programs

By applying for this service, I agree to participate in the following marketing programs:

To view pricing and commission of our various marketing programs please visit Marketing Program Pricing and Commissions

I understand that failure to comply with these conditions or choosing not to participate in the current or future listed programs will result in the application of regular pricing for the website and web hosting services. I also understand that a commission fee will be applied for all sales where payments are processed through the Nexus Mart platform. For more details on pricing and commission fees, please visit our Nexus Mart Pricing and Commissions webpage.

By clicking submit, I acknowledge and agree to the above conditions.

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